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WHISPERING WORLDS. This exciting compilation of supernatural and science-fiction-themed poetry was compiled by David Bain in 1994 for what was planned as special issue of Riverrun magazine, a respected poetry journal. When his college administration balked at publishing "that kind" of content, Bain finally resolved, in 1998, to post the text he had edited (at least for those poets willing to enter cyberspace) on the Internet. The online anthology immortalized Bain's vision of the mythic-bardic-Gothic-interplanetary Muse, and, prompted him to release an ebook version of the anthology in 2001. Bain arranged the anthology into six sections: These Ghosts contains 24 poems about the world of haunts and the haunted; Whispering Worlds has 25 poems exploring the aberrant and abhorrent; The Inevitability of Light offers 21 poems from the more brightly-lit realms of fantasy; How the Blind Become the Dead includes 21 poems from the darker side of the fantastic; Escape Velocity features 23 narrative science fiction-themed poems; Chimes on the Quantum Wind has 22 poems emphasizing the science aspect of science fiction. We are delighted to help keep this important 1990s anthology in view. CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD AND READ



Version 21.3 Updated November 18, 2019

books featuring poetry & writings by...

Brett Rutherford
Dante Alighieri
Mikhail Artsybashev
Leonid Andreyev
Poets of the Palisades
Jacqueline deWeever
N.Y. Poets Cooperative
Barbara A. Holland
John Burnett Payne

History of the Press

Book Listings


Joel Allegretti

Leonid Andreyev

Mikhail Artsybashev

Jody Azzouni

Moira Bailis


Robert Carothers

Samuel Croxall

Richard Davidson

Claudia Dikinis

Arthur Erbe


Emilie Glen

Emily Greco

Annette Hayn

Heinrich Heine

Barbara A. Holland

Thomas D. Jones

Michael Katz

Li Yu

Richard Lyman

D.H. Melhem

David Messineo

Th. Metzger

J Rutherford Moss

John Burnett Payne

Edgar Allan Poe



Suzanne Post

Shirley Powell

Burt Rashbaum

Ernst Raupach

Susanna Rich

Brett Rutherford

Boria Sax

Charles Sorley

Vincent Spina

Ludwig Tieck

Pieter Vanderbeck

Jack Veasey

Jonathan Aryeh Wayne

Jacqueline de Weever

Don Washburn

Phillis Wheatley

Sarah Helen Whitman

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